The Step into Health Initiative helps veterans find employment with the NHS community where there are a huge variety of roles you can undertake including apprenticeships. Each NHS organisation that has signed up to this initiative are expected to implement the following:
Minimum pledge requirements
As a minimum we would expect NHS organisations to:
• advertise apprenticeship opportunities through the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) and their RightJob board
• nominate a point of contact within the organisation that members of the Armed Forces community can contact directly
• review current recruitment practices and removing any barriers to recruiting members of the Armed Forces community
• use the Step into Health branding to promote consistent messages about the programme.
Additional pledges expected from NHS organisations
There are also a selection of further pledges available to choose from that will enhance your offer as an employer to the Armed Forces community, these include:
• Hosting insight days to raise awareness of NHS careers with the Armed Forces community.
• Offering work placements to the Armed Forces community and provide support to those who apply for a vacancy.
• Tailoring activity for those service leavers who may be wounded, sick or injured.
• Promoting the programme and sharing messaging via your website and social media.
• Establishing an alumni network for staff who have found employment through the programme.
• Partnering with other NHS organisations in the region to share best practice and make efficient use of resources.
• Supporting candidates with the programme who may wish to settle elsewhere whilst also being ready to receive candidates who have been referred from other supporting organisations.